Artist renditionAmerican

Victim of an explosion, this steel drill barge was sunk on June 20, 1932, and rests upside down in 75 ft of water. Under contract to blast and remove 20,000 yards of shoal along the edge of the shipping channel, little did she know she was digging her own grave. Be sure to visit the twin props, and the four "spuds". These are retractable legs used to stabilize the ship while drilling. Since this dive is on the edge of the main shipping channel, you may hear the deep thump, thump, thumping of the engines of modern day freighters plowing the waters above. Keep your head down on this dive :-) and don't make contact with the river bottom while you're peering under the deck of the American. There is still lots of "crude" hidden in the sand and rocks. When everyone is back on the dive boat, it's pretty obvious which diver didn't watch their buoyancy!